Taichung, Taiwan, 2022 (photo by author)

Boring, Not Boring — My Hometown Taichung, Taiwan

It is not easy to get the vibe if you only have a short stay

Kan Kante Hsieh
8 min readDec 10, 2023


Over the past two years, I have gotten to know a few Germans who plan to go to Taiwan for the first time, or who have already had some experiences but would like to explore more about the country. When they ask me for advice, I usually suggest they skip Taichung, my hometown, or…



Kan Kante Hsieh
Long. Sweet. Valuable.

Originally from Taiwan. Now mainly based in Frankfurt(M) as a Ph.D. student. Interests: Gramsci, and political geography. https://linktr.ee/kenkindaichi